January 21, 2005

This, That & The Slope

*The good people at NASA have caught one of the waves hitting the east coast of India on December 26/04. This was not the biggest wave that hit that day and is an incredible sight from the safe distance it was captured at.

*An incredible graphic can be found here. Try it and enjoy the trip.

*Are we really going to have an election on same sex marriage? I'd say bring it on.

It is a perfectly sound argument to say that making gay marriage equal to heterosexual marriage may lead to an objection of the wording, "one person". Since the gender designation within the definition is offensive to some, why wouldn't the singular over the plural be offensive to others. Why shouldn't conjoined twins be allowed to marry another set of conjoined twins? Should the Canadian Constitution only protect a minority that has a big enough lobby?

Why wouldn't someone object to the, "person" designation. If a Canadian wants to wed his furry, (plush toy) that they have loved since he/she was four years old, should they be stopped? If the charter doesn't protect this individuals rights, why should it protect another's over gender?



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