January 27, 2005

The war that never was.

I quite enjoyed the little war that erupted between Warren Kinsella and Norman Spector in the blogsphere. I mean even Paul wells got himself tangled up in it by way of pissing off the pit bull Kinsella.

Well wouldn't you know it, the popcorn just finished popping and the credits seem to be rolling on the drama. I even loaded Paul's gun for him to shoot back at Warren for that nice little picture of a horned Wells he posted. So much for the, "Web Flame War". No fizzle, just endless drizzle about the Liberal Family feud on the one hand, and way too much info about the Rock's money problems on the other.

In case your wondering what was in the pistol I gave to the, Kid with the Horned Hat and his corporate blog, without an Alamo, I lay down my ammo. Here it is.


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Ron Poling
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CP doesn't have a sense of Humor, too bad.


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