January 16, 2006

Layton's bad pick-up lines.

I didn't realize that Jack Layton was the kind of guy that would use a line like he did in this news release. "C'mon baby, just this once", sounds really creepy coming from a middle aged bald man with a tickler mustache. I guess Jack is trying to appeal to the female vote with this line but let me offer some free advice. Lines like that almost never work, at least not since high school. If Jack is trying to appeal to the young female swing vote, great but I don't think there are enough to make a difference in this election. Maybe Jack should shoot for the Desperate Housewife demographic and utter something like, "C'mon baby, vote NDP, no one will find out".

The leader of the NDP has gone from looking and sounding like an infomercial during the debates to some creepy little porn star from the 80's. I wonder how Jack would look in an orange leisure suit and gold chains.

Stephen Harper sounding off in Ontario with the old Liberal Mantra, " a vote for the Conservatives is a vote for national unity", made me cringe. Look, I didn't like it when Liberals said it and I don't like it going the other way. That phrase wreaks of arrogance, the fact that Canadians are free to vote from coast to coast to coast on January 23 speaks to our national unity and no single national party can claim a monopoly on it. To make any one feel they are not for Canadian unity because they vote for another party does nothing for national unity and would not stand up to logic. As if 60% of voters are against national unity, such a position is moronic.

I understand that you need to speak about the unity of the Canadian family. For some reason Ontario needs Quebec consent before accepting the Conservatives. A poll rise in Quebec means a rise in Ontario, the so called echo effect.

This would be like having your sister check out your boyfriend to see if he can stand up to the scrutiny before meeting Mom and Dad. I always believed that what the Liberals did in the name of national unity was to slap Quebec across the face in the form of adscam. They slapped Ontario's sister and it was just a matter of time before they dumped the Liberals.

The last thing the Conservatives need to do is alienate her and possibly set her up for another slap. Conservatives need to offer substance and not phony rhetoric for the sister's in confederation.


Blogger trustonlymulder said...

How about...

come on baby, hop on the moped. I promise I won't tell your friends

I can see him saying that.

p.s. thanks for the plug :-)

9:10 PM  

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