February 26, 2005

Oh, Canada

Suddenly feeling patriotic?

Of Guns 'n Butter

The Liberals released a Conservatoid budget this week. The only people surprised by this are the people that should have seen it coming. Hello Harper and Layton, time to wake up.

The Liberals will bow to the Conservatives on fiscals and the Bloq and NDP on social issues. This is not new, nor surprising, and really, I shouldn't have to write it. 14 Billion in tax cuts and 7 Billion to the military, despite polls, is a Canadian priority not just Conservative party policy. Anybody but me hear of, "campaign on the left and govern on the right"? Not exactly rocket science folks.

That brings me to the multi-personality of the current Prime Minister, "Mr. Dithers", and his attempts to shake the label in his usual clumsy fashion.

See, way back before the election when Mr. Dithers was playing golf with G.H.W. Bush and his Power Corporation alumnus, Brian Mulroney and Paul Desmarais, he understood the need to be a partner in continental defense. That was when Mr. Dithers dreamed of 220 seats, remember that?

Fast forward to the Election free fall of 2004, never mind John Turner's rump of 40 seats, there was fear of emulating Kim Campbell's rump. Scary!
Enter Jerry Grafstein, Dick O'Hagan and other Pearson, Trudeau era medics, intent on stopping the hemorrhage. Initial aid to Mr.Dithers was in the form of using the charter to scare Canadians from the new entity on the right and with the help of Conservatives it worked.

Unfortunately, those same Canadian Idol groupies seem to be having an influence on foreign policy and helps explain the multi-polar nature of this government. If you golf with Mulroney and Bush and get advice from Pearson and Trudeau groupies, I can see being pulled north, south, east, west, left and right. This condition only becomes a disorder when you yourself are void of direction and only wish to keep power.

Stop looking at the Quebec numbers and do what is right for Canada, tell us we need to have guns to protect our butter. We want to be able to stop a missile headed to Montreal and we can only do this with American help, this is a sellable position. Leaders are supposed to shape public opinion not meekly follow it to power.

February 18, 2005

The Hollow Cast

I have always considered Warren Kinsella to be a smart man and an intelligent political watch dog. My many posts reference him frequently and I admire his skills as a publicity magnate.

I must say however, that it was just wrong of him to mention the holocaust when he mentioned that Stephen Harper mentioned the holocaust.

Stephen Harper has every right to mention the Liberal record on human rights, that is politics. Warren Kinsella going fishing for Jewish indignation is just pathetic and rings hollow.

Kinsella, and the band of Liberal tethered culture clubs will now scream, "insensitive", and attempt to move the debate to hate.

They wish to move the public eye away from the intelligent views of compromising conservatives to the falseness of fear mongering.

It will not work this time. Liberals look desperate and will lose the debate

February 15, 2005

A Valentine for Liberals

A poem for Valentines

Liberals are red,
Conservatives are blue,
Your ethics are dead,
as voters see you.

Can't blame this Tory,
charge them with hate,
our biggest scam in history,
then give us strippergate.

An immigration minister,
a tale of free lunch,
I imagine more sinister,
you can call it a hunch.

February 11, 2005

The bogey men

To reflect upon the statements made by Jean Chretien and the current Prime Minister of Canada, Paul Martin, before Gomery at a commission of inquiry, one can understand the celebratory nature of the Liberals.

By Liberals I don't mean the people that voted for them, I refer instead to those in the party, past and present, that are quite pleased at having put one over on Gomery this week.

I think it is great that old rivals come together for champaign at having been permitted a bogey in the opening 9 holes. I would be very careful of bad weather in the final 9 as Gomery gets closer to the green. After all, won't he have a final report to deliver to Canadians that may make Sheila Fraser sound like Julie Andrews

At any rate, what these Liberals seem to be in a festive mood about is not the fact they pulled a one upmanship on Gomery, Roy, and Mulroney. The bogey men in the Liberal party are quite happy because they think they have put one over on the Canadian Public at the expense of the Canadian Taxpayer.

So enjoy the party while you can cause there are gathering clouds down the bottom 9.

February 08, 2005

Jean Chretien shatters own image.

In case you missed it, the former Prime Minister gave a speech at the Gomery Commission today.

Even though one shouldn't give speeches at a commission of inquiry, it was permitted by both sides. For the people who claim that the cost of the inquiry is a concern of theirs, I'd like to ask on behalf of the Canadian tax payer, how much did it cost? Was it one MRI or two, or more?

For those that claim they want to get to the bottom of adscam, did they honestly think the bogeyman would appear and admit in a recycled, garbled speech, that he did anything wrong? Have you been asleep for ten years?

What was revealed today is that the former Prime Minister, in his private life, no longer seems to care about his, "regular guy image". He treats his Titleist like the rest of the elitist, by putting his name on them. Only this good son of Power did so with tax payer money. Well, that certainly gives him a bogey over Gomery and the other sons of Power

Tune in on Thursday to catch another round of, Powers Classic Oldtimers Tee-Up, and see if the current favored son can find his balls and the green.

February 06, 2005

Liberals costly cleanse. Part II

Update: The Toronto Star and The Ottawa Sun have supportive articles on their websites that highlight the Liberal enema taking place. As Martin and Mulroney's friend align for the purpose of political payback to all things, "Small town cheap", and company, the cost to the tax payers of Canada will grow exponentially. The lawsuits and counter suits will suck up valuable health care dollars for, over to you Warren, "another decade".

February 04, 2005

The Liberals Costly Cleanse.

I find myself in total disbelief that there is an attempt to have Warren kinsella remove some of his musings and have him reported to The Law Society of Upper Canada.

I think it is telling that the very body that would take the complaint about Warren has an address like, " www. lsuc. on. ca.", very telling indeed. Isn't that what Warren has been trying to point out, that lawyers are sucking up Canadian tax dollars, and for what?
To learn what Jean Chretien had already stated a few years back when he said, "perhaps a few million dollars where stolen, but we saved Canada billions because the country is together". My point is simple, it is the RCMP who should be responsible for finding the money and make arrests. Instead you have the partisan bullshit, to which Warren also complains, at a cost that is not justifiable.

To all you morons (right wing bloghaters, as Warren would say) that might be inclined to click and tell on Warren, just remember the address is www l suc on Ca, or something like that. You can allow the tax sucking to continue by keeping Warren quiet.

Next, If the opposition actually had fewer idiots in the blogosphere and elected, they could actually use Kinsella's musings to aid them.
Example: Liberal divorce costly to Canadians :
80 million dollars to be spent by Liberals to find the Liberals responsible for missing 100 million.
Opposition calls for an end to the use of tax dollars by the Liberals to cleanse their party.

Instead, we find the idiots going after Warren and supporting Gomery. What will this do? It will ensure Paul Martin looks like he has cleaned out the Liberal Party and that they are set to govern for the next decade. All at the expense of Canadians tax dollars.


February 02, 2005

Common Sense

As Inkless has also pointed out, Jim Prentice, the MP for Calgary Center North, crystallizes the debate on same sex marriage.

His statement shows a very well thought out position that, I would hope, many Canadians could support. His statement is clear, concise, and sounds better than anything Harper or Martin has put out there.

Finally, strength of position with clarity from someone on the home team. Way to go Jim.

February 01, 2005

The children of Iraq.

Can anyone look at these faces and not believe Iraqs' future is secure?

Lets forget the political rhetoric and wish them well.