The Liberals released a Conservatoid
budget this week. The only people surprised by this are the people that should have seen it coming. Hello Harper and Layton, time to wake up.
The Liberals will bow to the Conservatives on fiscals and the Bloq and NDP on social issues. This is not new, nor surprising, and really, I shouldn't have to write it. 14 Billion in tax cuts and 7 Billion to the military, despite polls, is a Canadian priority not just Conservative party policy. Anybody but me hear of, "campaign on the left and govern on the right"? Not exactly
rocket science folks.
That brings me to the multi-personality of the current Prime Minister, "Mr. Dithers", and his attempts to shake the label in his usual clumsy fashion.
See, way back before the election when Mr. Dithers was playing golf with G.H.W. Bush and his
Power Corporation alumnus, Brian Mulroney and Paul Desmarais, he understood the need to be a partner in continental defense. That was when Mr. Dithers dreamed of 220 seats, remember that?
Fast forward to the Election free fall of 2004, never mind John Turner's rump of 40 seats, there was fear of emulating Kim Campbell's rump. Scary!
Enter Jerry Grafstein, Dick O'Hagan and other Pearson, Trudeau era medics, intent on stopping the hemorrhage. Initial aid to Mr.Dithers was in the form of using the charter to scare Canadians from the new entity on the right and with the help of Conservatives it worked.
Unfortunately, those same Canadian Idol groupies seem to be having an influence on foreign policy and helps explain the multi-polar nature of this government. If you golf with Mulroney and Bush and get advice from Pearson and Trudeau groupies, I can see being pulled north, south, east, west, left and right. This condition only becomes a disorder when you yourself are void of direction and only wish to keep power.
Stop looking at the Quebec numbers and do what is right for Canada, tell us we need to have
guns to protect our butter. We want to be able to stop a missile headed to Montreal and we can only do this with American help, this is a sellable position. Leaders are supposed to shape public opinion not meekly follow it to power.