A victory for integrity.
I think it is safe to say that Stephen Harper will be the Prime Minister in a safe, workable minority government after all is counted. He will have three new seats in Quebec and greater representation in Ontario. The Conservatives will have prevented the Bloq of Quebec from taking a majority in popular percentages. Duceppe and Martin will talk of seats and the Conservatives and NDP will talk of POP vote increases. Everybody wins!
If I could speak to the the voters in Ontario I would say, " the West is in and so is Quebec, what are you waiting for?" I think it will now be more acceptable to refer to the Rest Of Canada to the exclusion of Ontario. That's right, opposition Ontario, or more precisely, opposition Toronto. The opposition will be filled with those that responded to fear, sovereigns, and socialists. The extreme elements in Canadian society.
I'm glad that Canadians overcame fear and replaced it with integrity. If one could develope a scale of values based on that which is good for society versus that which is bad or destructive. Love for fellow citizens would rate at 500 while murder or war would rate at 0. Integrity would fall at about 200 and fear at 70. This was the great failing of the Liberal Party, they didn't understand that fear , being destructive is ultimately destroyed by that which is progressive. The Universes natural selection for ensuring there is continued progress.
Integrity is a good place to start, but it is just a start. Canada can move forward to trust, hope and greater harmony within our country. Wouldn't that be real progress?
If I could speak to the the voters in Ontario I would say, " the West is in and so is Quebec, what are you waiting for?" I think it will now be more acceptable to refer to the Rest Of Canada to the exclusion of Ontario. That's right, opposition Ontario, or more precisely, opposition Toronto. The opposition will be filled with those that responded to fear, sovereigns, and socialists. The extreme elements in Canadian society.
I'm glad that Canadians overcame fear and replaced it with integrity. If one could develope a scale of values based on that which is good for society versus that which is bad or destructive. Love for fellow citizens would rate at 500 while murder or war would rate at 0. Integrity would fall at about 200 and fear at 70. This was the great failing of the Liberal Party, they didn't understand that fear , being destructive is ultimately destroyed by that which is progressive. The Universes natural selection for ensuring there is continued progress.
Integrity is a good place to start, but it is just a start. Canada can move forward to trust, hope and greater harmony within our country. Wouldn't that be real progress?
It would be a shame to see no Cabinet posts from Toronto due to lack of MP's in the 416 area code.
The Big Smoke needs to think on this.
Martin isn't going to sway enough to take the big seat again, so it's jump on board the bandwagon or go without proper representation at this point.
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