May 27, 2005

Jewish activists capturing Tory races

Ok I'll take John Reynolds advice, lets see what todays headlines look like with a different religious group inserted in italics.

Jewish activists capturing Tory races

Some in party worry new riding nominees will reinforce notion of 'hidden agenda'


Friday, May 27, 2005 Page A1
OTTAWA -- Jewish activists have secured Conservative nominations in clusters of ridings from Vancouver to Halifax -- a political penetration that has occurred even as the party tries to distance itself from hard-line social conservatism.

At least three riding associations in Nova Scotia, four in British Columbia, and one in suburban Toronto have nominated candidates with ties to groups like Focus on the Family, a Jewish organization that opposes same-sex marriage.

But organizers say many more will be on the ballot during the next federal election, a feat achieved by persuading people of faith, particularly new Canadians, to join the party and vote for recommended candidates.

Some Conservatives argue that the selection of a large number of candidates from the ethnic minority is an unfortunate turn for a party that was accused in last year's election campaign of harbouring a socially conservative "hidden agenda."

"The difficulty, from a party perspective, is that it begins to hijack the other agendas that parties have," said Ross Haynes, who lost the Conservative nomination in the riding of Halifax to one of three "Jewish, pro-family people" recommended by a Rabbi at a religious rally this spring in Kentville, N.S.

Candidates who are running on single issues such as opposition to same-sex marriage "probably can't get elected because they certainly don't represent any mainstream population view," Mr. Haynes said.

Others within the party say they are extremely concerned and wished the party leaders had been more involved in the nominations.

I could have inserted Muslim, Hindu, Sihk, Bahai, ect. I do not wish to trivialize what the Jewish people have been through in recent and ancient history , I only wish to point out that a headline like the one the Globe and Mail ran with today is inappropriate and all people of faith should be offended and boycott that news agency, that also includes CTV.

And thats the kind of day it has been.

Manley to Join Conservatives

The more I think about this the more it makes sense to me. A rival to Paul Martin and very critical from the sidelines.

John, why wait on the bench during this void in direction from your former party.

You don't like the way the country has come to a standstill. No progress on the U.S. files, increased spending that puts to shame the legacy budget.

The Liberals change leaders about every 10 years while the Conservatives do so every couple. Your former party needs to select a francophone next time around and the Conservatives require a sensible Ontario leader. Canadians are hoping for something like this to occur so they can dump your former party on it's ass.

So far, your name has come up only once at the Gomery inquiry and it was quickly forgotten. I'm sure your immune from most of the slime of corruption. You would give instant credibility to a party that wants to clean up government and govern in the process.

May 26, 2005

Non- Partisan Bloggers

I would like to thank James Bow for linking this Blog with the many other whore bloggers out there. The Whore House, thanks again James.

This brings me to something I didn't know before this minority government started wheeling, reeling, and dealing.

Gilles Duceppe's father was one of the founding members of the Federal NDP back in 1961.

Jack Layton's father was a Tory Minister of State for Mines during the Mulroney years and was a Liberal Party activist before that. Are Conservatives so bad Jack?

As we get back to our disfunctional family in parliament we should try to remember it is not a blue shirt, red shirt pond scrum. No more personal shots, fake claims of racism and campaign spending promises. The Liberals will leave when Canadians decide to throw them out and enough of us just don't seem ready to do that.

May 20, 2005

Harper success.

What difference a year makes.

May 14, 2004: Ipsos-Reid/CTV/Globe and Mail poll
Poll conducted: May 7-9 and May 11-13, 2004
Question asked: "Thinking of how you feel right now, if FEDERAL election were held tomorrow, which of the following parties' candidates would you, yourself, be most likely to support?"

LIB: 40
CPC: 24
NDP: 15
BQ: 11
OTH: 9

Note: A representative randomly selected sample of 2000 adult Canadians was interviewed by telephone. With a sample of this size, the results are considered accurate to within plus or minus 2.2 percentage points, 19 times out of 20, of what they would have been had the entire adult Canadian population been polled. The margin of error will be larger within regions and for other sub-groupings of the survey population. These data were weighted to ensure the sample's regional and age/sex composition reflects that of the actual Canadian population according to the 2001 Census data.

Anybody that thinks Stephen Harper hasn't done an amazing job in building this party is probably a Liberal who is frightened of what the next year will bring.

To go from minimal support to one vote shy of defeating the government on a confidence vote within 12 months is a victory. The Conservatives must be congratulated for turning their backs on bribes by showning a solid, united caucus.

The Party that has been purged by these events, yet another baptism by fire, will show Canadians a stronger oppostion. Stephen Harper controls a coaltion much hardier than does Paul Martin and Harper doesn't even have the public purse to use as a whip.

The Liberal, Stronach, NDP coalition wouldn't survive the same test. As soon as the Gomery inquiry heated we saw as many as 4 Liberals ready to bolt. Now we'll see what a 10 month campaign brings.

Thought this was funny and an unknown quality of the man that didn't want to be PM
1978 - Harper
Harper graduates from Richview Collegiate in Etobicoke with the highest marks in his class. He moves to Alberta to work as a computer programmer in the oil industry before going to the University of Calgary. During his teens, he had briefly considered himself a "Trudeau Liberal."

This proves that he had a heart, however briefly it may have been.
If Ontario continues to find this guy scary perhaps they should take a collective Prozac.

May 11, 2005

CBC realty check

I was happy to see the CBC debunk the Paul Martin lie on the National last night. It was pointed out that the Conservatives don't have a deal with the Bloq outside of a vote to bring the Liberals down. I'm glad 'cause my previous post is just too creepy to look at as a campaign poster. One area the CBC failed was on the Conservatives calling the Liberals corrupt. Reality Check on the CBC:You failed to mention the countless Liberals describing criminal ,corrupt and unethical behavior almost every day on national T.V.
I also wonder why when reporting on the information coming out of Gomery it is important for your talking heads to point out that the "opposition is going to jump all over this". This suggests to the viewer that while Liberals are walking around with sacks full of your cash to stuff into the pockets of their buddies, the opposition is going to blow this way out of proportion. It is not appropriate to had commentary about a reaction to corruption, just show the reaction, "This is what the Conservatives had to say", roll clip.

It would seem that the side deals Paul Martin has been making with Premiers and Phd's has hurt his Image, proving that what works for Martin Sheen in the West Wing won't cut it in our Westminster system.

Those people out there that still suggest we should wait for Gomery are uninformed about the reality taking place in Ottawa and of course I blame the media for an ignorant populace. I'm going to spell it out to you now, pay attention please. The Conservatives and the democratically elected members of the Bloq have said they can't support a directionless, corrupt government. They make up the majority. What the Gomery waiters are saying then is that we should shut the country down for 10 months to get recommendations on how to run the country better.

Hey!, It is really simple folks, don't exchange sacks of public cash to prop up your party. Do we really need Gomery to tell us this?
Maybe we need to know who done it? It seems an entire wing of the Liberal Party was guilty. Is finding out who, so important that we should shut the country down for 10 months?

( Head tilted, rubbing chin)
If only there was an economists to run the country while we figure out the question of, who was responsible?

May 06, 2005

The Globe and Mail's Queer Eye

Globe and Mail cover photo from Friday May 6 2005

Gee, do you think they are trying to sell Canada the Paul Martin lie. Canada's version of the Enquirer.