Election day notes, quotes, and nothings.
What a beautiful day in Kelowna, +6 degrees blue sky with a gentle breeze blowing across the shimmering lake. A day not too uncommon here in the heart of BC, a Province the media and pollsters say will decide this election.
On my way to the church to cast my ballot, I stopped into the new Starbucks for a tall Americano long shot. Seems to me everyone else wanted to see the new Starbucks, cause the line was easily 20 deep. I waited a little and asked the guy and gal at the end of the line if they've been here long. They both rolled there eyes and indicated that it seemed like 20 mins already. Really? I said in disbelief. I grumbled that I didn't think anyone should wait that long to pay $2.50 for a cup of coffee and that I was heading to Tim Horton's for an extra large double-double. The frustrated coffee couple agreed and added that it would only cost a buck fifty. As the newly converted coffee couple followed me out of the door I asked, "Did you vote yet", they said, " right after our double -double." Ah well, I chuckled to myself, if only Stephen Harper had it so easy.
Just listening to conversations in Tim Horton's you'd think that the NDP would have a very strong showing in this riding of Kelowna-Lake Country. I imagine what goes on is that people think it trendy to say they'll vote NDP and never actually put the X beside the name. Even in the heart of Conservative country I haven't heard anyone say outright that they are a Conservative. They usually stutter something like," well, I just don't want the Liberals anymore and I like the NDP but they can't do much, maybe I'll go Green". This is probably more pronounced in Ontario and Quebec. So the unofficial Tim's poll is NDP 6, LIB 2, Tory 8 with said disclaimer attached.
I thought this was interesting, on my drive to the polling station, unsure of where the church was, I observed the first direction marker at the corner of Martin St. The very next street that had a direction marker was Stockwell St. That's very odd I thought, did they rename the streets after failed leaders? As I pulled into the parking lot of the place with pictures of dead Popes on the wall I noticed that the church was located at the corner of Gordon and Wilson, See link for those who aren't familiar with BC politics.
It is kinda creepy with the ghosts of failed leaders and dead Popes watching you vote but it got me thinking, instead of hanging Paul Martin's portrait in parliament, why not put up Ed Broadbent's picture?

That was my election day so far and the best part is yet to come. I have one more big decision to make today, who's coverage should I watch? The CTV has had the best coverage of the campaign but I'd love to see the CBC spin wildly like Dan Rather did down south two years ago, that was priceless. Maybe Kevin Newman?
On my way to the church to cast my ballot, I stopped into the new Starbucks for a tall Americano long shot. Seems to me everyone else wanted to see the new Starbucks, cause the line was easily 20 deep. I waited a little and asked the guy and gal at the end of the line if they've been here long. They both rolled there eyes and indicated that it seemed like 20 mins already. Really? I said in disbelief. I grumbled that I didn't think anyone should wait that long to pay $2.50 for a cup of coffee and that I was heading to Tim Horton's for an extra large double-double. The frustrated coffee couple agreed and added that it would only cost a buck fifty. As the newly converted coffee couple followed me out of the door I asked, "Did you vote yet", they said, " right after our double -double." Ah well, I chuckled to myself, if only Stephen Harper had it so easy.
Just listening to conversations in Tim Horton's you'd think that the NDP would have a very strong showing in this riding of Kelowna-Lake Country. I imagine what goes on is that people think it trendy to say they'll vote NDP and never actually put the X beside the name. Even in the heart of Conservative country I haven't heard anyone say outright that they are a Conservative. They usually stutter something like," well, I just don't want the Liberals anymore and I like the NDP but they can't do much, maybe I'll go Green". This is probably more pronounced in Ontario and Quebec. So the unofficial Tim's poll is NDP 6, LIB 2, Tory 8 with said disclaimer attached.
I thought this was interesting, on my drive to the polling station, unsure of where the church was, I observed the first direction marker at the corner of Martin St. The very next street that had a direction marker was Stockwell St. That's very odd I thought, did they rename the streets after failed leaders? As I pulled into the parking lot of the place with pictures of dead Popes on the wall I noticed that the church was located at the corner of Gordon and Wilson, See link for those who aren't familiar with BC politics.
It is kinda creepy with the ghosts of failed leaders and dead Popes watching you vote but it got me thinking, instead of hanging Paul Martin's portrait in parliament, why not put up Ed Broadbent's picture?

That was my election day so far and the best part is yet to come. I have one more big decision to make today, who's coverage should I watch? The CTV has had the best coverage of the campaign but I'd love to see the CBC spin wildly like Dan Rather did down south two years ago, that was priceless. Maybe Kevin Newman?
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